14 August, 2021, Kuala Lumpur – Starting today, about 9,700 cartons of food will be distributed to Orang Asli communities in Selangor, Perak and Pahang, three states with the highest concentration of orang asli affected by COVID-19.
A ceremony was held today, officiated by Selangor state exco representative Y.B. Tuan Hee Loy Sian, to commemorate the official handover of the cartons of food from Ms Ng Cheng Cheng, represented the Malaysian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong and Macau (MAYCHAM), to Bob Manolan Mohamad, President of MOADA who represented the Orang Asli communities.
The “MAYCHAM Spirit WE CARE” donation drive was launched just last month on 12 July, 2021 and in the span of one week, members and friends of MAYCHAM have contributed a total of HK$825,698 (equivalent to almost MYR450,000), tripling the Chamber’s initial target.
With the help of one of the leading Malaysian suppliers of consumer food and food ingredients, THC Sdn Bhd, the donations were used to source, purchase and package food necessities such as sugar, salt, wheat flour, tapioca starch, corn starch, crackers, cooking oil as well as beans, lentils and rice. Subsequently, the 9,500 food cartons will be distributed to the targeted Orang Asli villages coordinated with MOADA.
In Selangor alone, there are 74 villages and a population of 23,000, while the orang asli population in Perak and Pahang are even higher. The majority of these villagers are daily wage-earners and many have lost their jobs in the wake of the pandemic.
Dato’ Gan Khai Choon, Chairman of MAYCHAM HK & Macau, said, “The livelihood of the Orang Asli community is at risk during this difficult time and it is incumbent on all of us who are in more fortunate circumstances to support our fellow Malaysians in their time of need. The community needs to come together to help – this is the spirit of Malaysians.”
Mr Yap Wei Sin, Consul-General of Malaysia in Hong Kong stated that “this is a truly noble and commendable endeavour, and the Consulate-General expresses it appreciation to MAYCHAM and all involved for extending a helping hand to vulnerable communities in Malaysia, especially during these challenging pandemic times. MAYCHAM has once again, walked the walk, in demonstrating its patriotism and love for Malaysia.”
MOADA President, Bob Manolan Mohamad added, “The generosity of heart and spirit lives in Malaysians no matter where they are, and MOADA is truly appreciative of MAYCHAM and the Malaysian Consulate-General for its leadership in mobilising members and friends in Hong Kong to help our Orang Asli communities. Thank you for making a difference.”