Tempura Mochi

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Mixture A – Mochi

  • 105 g CAP 3 KAMBING Glutinous Rice Flour
  • 80 g water
  • 20 g sugar

Mixture B – Jaggery sauce

  • 100 g CAP BINTANG Jaggery Powder
  • 20 g coconut milk
  • 80 g water
  • 1 g salt

Mixture C – Tempura batter

  • 50 g CAP BINTANG Corn Starch
  • 100 g all-purpose flour
  • 240 ml water
  • 15 g sugar
  • 5 g salt

Cooking Method

Jaggery caramel

  • In a saucepan, boil together jaggery powder, water and salt. Once the jaggery has fully melted, add in coconut milk and turn off the heat. Reserve.

Mochi instruction

  • In a mixing bowl, add all the ingredients together.
  • Separate the dough and roll into small balls. Ideally, each ball should weigh around 13g.
  • Prepare a pot of water and bring to boil. Once boiled, boil the mochi balls at a low heat.
  • Remove and immerse in a bowl of water.
  • When it is still warm, remove from water and skew it with a bamboo skewer.
  • Preheat the frying oil until 150°C. Sprinkle a little of the tempura batter into the hot fat to create small lumps of crispy batter. Dust the mochi with flour and dip the mochi into the batter. Slowly immerse the mochi into the hot frying fat and with a strainer, lightly push the prefried tempura batter onto the mochi. That will create a thicker layer of crispy tempura batter. Deep fry until golden brown.